Size Doesn't Matter

We all know that age-old saying, and it's usually followed with a tiny giggle. But when it comes to fractal energy, it couldn't be more true.

In August 2006, Cheryl  was the speaker of the month at a learning center in White Rock, BC. Things got pretty interesting near the end of the talk when everyone ventured out to the sidewalk to measure the energy of the fractals using divining rods (known as dowsing). Marlyna Los, who is a Feng Shui consultant and a member of Questers (a local BC dowsing group) carried the honor of “Official Dowser” for the evening's event.

Numerous fractals were measured that evening as many of those attending had brought along the Soul Portraits Cheryl had created for them (intuitively created fractal artwork). All were curious to see how far the energy of their fractals radiated. The event soon turned from a dowsing discovery to a contest of “Who’s Got the Biggest!”

All of the fractal’s energy fell into a range of approximately 30-60 feet! Note :( A measuring tape was not used that evening, but the next day we measured the sidewalk and the approximate distances. We found it to be double what we had guessed it was the night before, making the “nearly official” distance at aprox. 30-60 ft.)

Most interesting however, was the measurement of one fractal image at two different print sizes – 8x10 and 16x20. Amazingly, the age old saying, “Size doesn’t matter” is TRUE!! Both images produced the same result. Cheryl Lee Harnish, (towering in at a whopping 4,11”) was, needles to say, especially pleased with the finding.

IMPORTANT NOTE: It is also important to note here, that the first personal fractal (Soul Portrait) measured was Awakening Heart Center's, which Cheryl held while being dowsed. It measured in at an amazing distance of 60 feet!! Only one other personal fractal measured came close, it was the Soul Portrait of Reinhard Stanjek (who made Orgone Generators). Reinhard had held his own fractal for the measurement. The reading of his fractal energy surpassed Awakening’s by just a couple of feet.


Cheryl Lee HarnishIntuition, Intuitive Readings, Card Readings, Oracle Cards, Classes, Workshops, Fractal Art