When realities merge and miracles abound, one thing is for certain... we are never alone.
read the first two chapters here!
The long awaited book by Cheryl Lee Harnish.
It takes courage to follow your heart, find your purpose in life and fulfill your destiny. Sometimes, discovering your gifts is only half the battle. The other half is overcoming the limiting self-beliefs and fears that hold you back. It's time to remember that you are not but one small person. You are a creative Spirit made in the likeness of God. It is time to claim your greatness and your power. It is time to cultivate your Seed of Love in this world.
Engaging the heart and soul of the reader using the Native American tradition of story, Cheryl Lee Harnish delivers a powerful and inspiring message of purpose, faith and courage. It's an engaging tale of following the heart, walking the path, and discovering purpose. This emotionally charged and spellbinding narration opens your heart and mind to living your highest purpose and claiming your destiny.
“Deciphers the code of the heart through a triumphant journey of destiny and purpose.” ~ James Twyman , NY Times Best-selling author
“Every now and then something extraordinary happens, something so unexpected and profound it turns our lives upside down. A compelling page turner, Cheryl Lee Harnish’s inspirational true story of learning to see beyond the veil will surprise and delight you, and it will keep you on the edge of your seat. A wonderfully courageous chronicle on the art of creating true masterpieces of exceptional insight and beauty.” ~ Paul Elder, Eyes of an Angel
"A Seed of Love IS a seed of love—a powerful, true story that will inspire you to reach inside for your inner most wisdom and act on it, whatever your thoughts might be saying. It is Grace, in action." ~ Gail Harris, author of Your Heart Knows the Answer: How to Trust Yourself and Make the Choices That are Right for You
$17.99 - paperback and Kindle version available too
ISBN: 978-0-9783047-1-3
You HAVE to get this book. I am NOT kidding you, it is one of the BEST books I have ever read. I seriously couldn't put it down. I even took it with me in the car so I could read while I was stopped at traffic lights. The book took me through an emotional journey where I cried, I laughed and I even did a little happy dance in my head..."

Katrina Kavvalos
Cheryl, I finished reading your book, A Seed Of Love. I followed a thread of my life through it, not to the same extremes, never the less it was there. I shook and vibrated and felt angles, I cried and laughed as well as felt fear and joy. I know where I am going and what I have to do. I am glad that you came into my life through the book, I am going to have to keep it in hand to remind me that I can do what I am to do. Spirit is talking to me. Thank you Cheryl from my very core, my heart."

Ben Sichkaryk
Thank you so much for the Seed -it has most certainly touched my core. I Love your book and cried and laughed my way through it. You are one amazing woman, Cheryl! Most of us would've crumbled under what you've gone through. They certainly chose the right one for this path. You've inspired me to 'stand tall in who I am and to be all that I am and can be, while I am here" (I love this paragraph) Now I just have to be brave and coax myself out from all my hiding places"
Zanne Landy
Cheryl, I just finished reading my copy of your Amazing Book. It has touched me in ways that cannot be expressed in words alone. I laughed, I cried and I related your story to my own personal Spiritual Journey. I am honored to have a copy of your book and I intend to use it as a tool when I have doubts (and their are many) during the... course of my own Personal Journey. Thank you So Much for sharing this book with me."
Tammy Marsh
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For the spiritually minded reader! A fantasy/romance with a twist of spunk and spirituality.
Rayelle is an unassuming, plain-Jane, keep-to-herself sort of girl. But she has a secret: a destructive force within her that must remain under control at all costs.
Nathanael is a beautiful warrior, sent here with a legion of men to protect this world at any cost.
It is most women’s dream to find ‘the one’, their perfect match in every way—their soul mate. Rayelle is one of the lucky few who has. Well, sort of. She has no idea that the bizarre supernatural mishap which occurred five months ago, at a public event, was caused by a stranger who had come too close to her. She is also unaware that the mysterious invisible presence which visits her each night since, is him.
If Nathanael has his way, she will never know.
He can never be that close to her again. It isn’t worth the risk. The concern is not for his physical safety—he is immortal, he can survive just about anything. It’s for hers. And there is also no greater pain than to love someone from afar—to never come close, or kiss, or even touch. No way will he allow her to suffer as he does.
But the Universe has a different plan for the star-crossed lovers.
Their worlds are about to collide, having a far greater consequence than either will realize. Destiny can’t be avoided. The hand of fate will have its way, like it or not.